CONGOMA has made some notable achievements including
- CONGOMA is one of the old NGO umbrella bodies in Southern Africa that have survived challenging times
- CONGOMA has successfully managed to lead a highly volatile civil Society in the dialogue process with Government over the July 20 Demonstrations.
- CONGOMA is the official NGO coordinator in Malawi as per NGO Act but without being a Government agency.
- Successfully negotiating with government on duty free acquisition of some NGO requirements. This facility is now being reviewed.
- Developed an NGO Code of Conduct for its members. This Code of Conduct is to be reviewed to incorporate a Governance Checklist.
- Initiated in drafting NGO Law, which was passed in 2000 by Parliament.
- Produces NGO and Donor Directories, which have proved to be useful reference documents. The directories are subject to revision every two years.
- Advocated and facilitated the participation of NGOs in important national processes e.g. Constitutional Review Process; The National Environment Policy; The Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP), Malawi Growth and Development Strategy and The National Gender Policy.
- Successfully lobbied for the creation of a streamlined mechanism for EU support to NGOs under the Cotonou Agreement.
- Campaigns for the achievement of Millennium Development Goals and other regional development strategies.