This program is need driven by CSOs who have observed for a long time now that Malawi is not following any long term plans in the country’s development despite having a Vision 2020 document which exists on paper. Any changes of Government has brought their own Vision and has largely not been owned by the majority expect for the ruling party functionaries. As such participation in national development programs has eluded the majority and a set-back to national prosperity. CONGOMA with CSOs are mobilizing themselves for the commencement of this agenda to go back on the drawing board and chart a new Vision for all Malawians regardless of Party or other affiliations.
This program looks at areas of focus for public policy influence at a national level. It is aimed at ensuring a conducive environment in which NGOs and their constituencies (people) operate.
NGO Policy formulation and Law reforms agenda
Malawi has an NGO Act of 2000 which has some challenges that need to be corrected through legal reforms. At the same time there is no Government Policy on NGOs in Malawi making it difficult to implement some legal provisions in the Act. Because of this situation, CONGOMA and the NGO Board of Malawi have embarked on a program of NGO policy formulation and law reform to make the environment conducive and enhance accountability and service delivery of NGOs.