CONGOMA organizes in-house demand-driven training to improve the capacity of members.
Membership to CONGOMA has several benefits. CONGOMA Constitution Section 6 clearly defines members as those that have paid in full their membership dues. The following benefits are offered to our members:
Fiscal Incentives
Under this arrangement, the Ministry of Finance through MRA provides duty relief to member NGOs on certain goods acquired to benefit the poor. This arrangement is discretion of Government and is given mainly as tax concession on a case by case basis.
Recognition of NGO Status
Many partners or stakeholders including financial institutions require a reference to attest to the NGO’s registration as an NGO. CONGOMA, therefore, provides a reference for its members, through letters or membership certificates.
CONGOMA as a Secretariat receives a number of invitations for meetings or appointments to committees from other stakeholders that are not NGOs, the main stakeholder being the government. It is not possible for the Secretariat to attend all the meetings, which sometimes require sectoral expertise. CONGOMA therefore presents such opportunities to its members.
Publicity for NGO Work
Our members enjoy publicity for their work through the website, newsletters, facebook page, twitter page, cards, flyers, NGO Week, calendars and the NGO Directory.
Access to Publications and other documentation
Through its information resource center, members can access various publications, magazines, journals, books, CD-ROMs, research papers, video and audio tapes on relevant topical issues.
Sector Networks
Members of CONGOMA belong to sector networks, which further enhance information, resource and knowledge sharing amongst themselves.