MESN Pre-Election Statement on the 2019 Tripartite Elections


The Malawi Electoral Support Network (MESN) is a registered network of 27 non-governmental and faith-based organizations in Malawi. MESN was formed with the core objective of facilitating coordination among civil society organizations engaging in election monitoring, civic and voter education in Malawi and a platform for dialogue, advocacy and lobbying on electoral matters. Since its establishment in 2003, MESN has successfully observed the 2004 and 2009 parliamentary and presidential elections as well as the 2014 tripartite elections.

For the 2019 tripartite elections MESN has been comprehensively monitoring electoral processes and the electoral environment. MESN recruited, accredited, trained and deployed 57 Long-Term Observers (LTOs) who have observed the pre-election period in all 193 constituencies across the country since February 2019. MESN also deployed 386 observers during the MEC biometric voter registration exercise and, subsequently, to observe instances of violence against women in elections (VAWE) under Gender Elections Engagement Room (GEER).

Find full report by clicking the link below:

MESN Pre-Election 18 May 2019 Statement vF PDF

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